Talk to a real person - 714-580-5000
Talk to a real person - 714-580-5000
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  • Can I request to use my own image?

    Unfortunately, we do not take custom orders but if you have questions regarding any one of our prints, don’t hesitate to call or email us:
    714-580-5000 or

  • Can I order just one customized item (ie. Shirts, Bags, Bandanas)?

    Absolutely! While we aim to make styles worth sharing and matching with your pet, we understand wanting to keep these designs for yourself!
  • Can I buy two of the same item in a bundle or do they have to be two different items?

    Bundles are made to your liking so if you'd rather have two bags or two bandanas with the same image, that is definitely an option.
  • Can I order different colors of a garment with the same image?


  • Can I order the same image but on different types of garments?

    Yes! We can place that image on one or more of the same garment or on more than one kind of garment!